The Warrior Disciple system, which follows the Warrior Disciple book, is designed to be a highly flexible and adaptable men’s program that works with any size group of men – from a modest circle of friends that meets in your home or a local coffee shop to the broadest of mega-church ministries, and everything in between.
Warrior Disciple meetings can be held at any frequency – weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, and is developed to last from approximately 9 to 12 months in length.
Except for the purchase of the Warrior Disciple book, this program, support materials and videos, as well as rights to use this system, are completely free!
The Warrior Disciple book and program contain 18 modules loosely based on eight different topics (including the Gospel, Marriage, Parenting, Godly Character, Evangelism/Apologetics, and more).
View the steps below for more details:
Purchase or acquire a copy of the Warrior Disciple book for you and/or copies for your local group of men.
Whether you’re a church ministry leader or if you are just leading a small group of guys in your local area, decide on how to implement the Warrior Disciple program by:
- Location (meetings can be hosted anywhere – at someone’s home, a local restaurant or coffee shop, or at your church).
- Frequency of meetings (weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly).
- Starting date to begin the program (it can be done year ’round, although we recommend kicking things off in January or September).
Then download the leadership materials from our free Members Section.
Once the chosen time to get started begins (again, we recommend launching Warrior Disciple in January or September), begin meeting together using the Warrior Disciple book to guide you through each topic module.
Implement all Biblical lessons prescribed in the topic modules, complete any challenges given, and then report back on your regular progress at the next Warrior Disciple meeting.
As you and your fellow men progress through Warrior Disciple, you can develop additional, smaller groups called fireteams to meet regularly for extra fellowship and accountability.